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Image for World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day

World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day

World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day takes place during Bone and Joint Action Week, along with World Arthritis Day, World Spine Day, World Trauma Day, and World Osteoporosis Day. The week was created by the United States Bone and Joint Initiative to "improve prevention of bone and joint disorders, and the quality of life for those affected." World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day exists to bring awareness about musculoskeletal conditions of children, and educate healthcare providers and the public about them. Each year there is a different theme. Past themes have included obesity, obesity and the growth plate, vitamin D deficiency, the female athlete triad, and ACL injuries.

How to Observe World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day

Celebrate the day by learning about the musculoskeletal issues that children face. Explore this year's theme or the themes from past years listed in the description of the day. Share what you have learned with others, as the goal of the day is to bring about more awareness of musculoskeletal conditions.

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