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Work Harder Day

Many of us go through life working hard and putting a lot of effort into our jobs and hobbies, and into making our dreams come true. But isn't there always a little more that we could do? Couldn't we focus a little more, or put in a little more effort or time? Work Harder Day answers those questions in the affirmative and gives us the opportunity to step it up a notch and work harder.

How to Observe Work Harder Day

Celebrate the day by staying a bit later at the office or by putting in a few more hours at home. Whether it be for your job or for a personal project, you should work harder than usual today. But there is no reason why this added effort can't last longer than just one day. How can you motivate yourself so you work harder going forward? Business Insider lists seven things that may help:

  • Convince yourself the thing you are working on is something you want to do, and think about how you will feel once you have completed it.
  • Remind yourself that you are in control of your actions.
  • Surround yourself with hard-working people.
  • Break up large tasks into smaller tasks, and take pride in each smaller task you complete.
  • Stay focused. Concentrate on what's in front of you and limit distractions.
  • Remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
  • Failure will happen, but stay positive through it.

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