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National Protein Day

National Protein Day raises awareness for and educates the public about the health benefits of protein. The holiday is particularly popular in India, where it has been observed since 2020, and is organized by Right to Protein. Protein is a macronutrient—a building block for the body that is crucial for growth and development. It assists in the development of bones, skin, blood, and cartilage. It promotes increased muscle mass and weight loss, provides a feeling of fullness, and is vital for maintaining fitness throughout life. Perfect proteins contain all the essential amino acids. Foods high in protein include fish and seafood such as salmon and tuna, chicken and other poultry, other lean meats, eggs, pumpkin seeds, beans, nuts, quinoa, lentils, edamame, tofu, and dairy. Even broccoli is known for being a quality source of protein.

How to Observe National Protein Day

Celebrate by having some protein! Bake some chicken or fish, fry up some eggs, snack on some nuts or pumpkin seeds, make a salad with beans and quinoa, or blend a protein shake. Try a source of protein you've never tried before, or make a dish with your favorite protein. You can learn more about protein from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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