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Rid the World of Fad Diet and Gimmicks Day

Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day takes place on the Tuesday of Healthy Weight Week, a week-long celebration focused on maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine and feeling good. The week reminds everyone that health is not about a number on a scale. Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day is "a day for education and caution: diet quackery runs the gamut from plans and supplements that contain dangerous, untested and potent drugs to the merely ridiculous."

In past years on the day, Francie Berg, founder of the Healthy Weight Network and Healthy Weight Week, has handed out Slim Chance Awards for the worst diet products of the year. Red flags should go up that a diet is a fad diet if it promises that a large amount of weight can be lost quickly, if fewer than 1,000 calories are to be eaten in a day, if special foods are needed to be purchased, if no risks are provided, and if large advance payments or long-term contracts are required. Instead of fad diets and other gimmicks, a balanced diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight. This approach also won't negatively affect health.

How to Observe Rid the World of Fad Diet and Gimmicks Day

Observe the day by quitting any fad diets or dieting gimmicks you are trying, and instead focus on a well-balanced diet that is supplemented with plenty of exercise. If you aren't sure what type of diets aren't fad diets, take a look at the diet rankings from U.S. News & World Report to find out how some popular diets stack up next to each other. Check to see if Slim Chance Awards were handed out this year, and what diets and gimmicks received awards. You could also spend the day reflecting on diets you have tried over the years, and on if they helped or hurt you.

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