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Easter Monday

Easter Monday takes place on the day after Easter. It is not a federal holiday in the United States, or widely observed. But, it is informally observed in North Dakota, where there is no school on the day. It is also commonly observed in Texas and Maryland, and in some cities in New York, Michigan, and Indiana. It was a public holiday in North Carolina from 1935 to 1987. Polish strongholds such as Chicago and many other cities celebrate it as Dyngus Day. The White House Easter Egg Roll is held on the day as well.

How to Observe Easter Monday

The day can be spent continuing your celebration of Easter. Perhaps you have a lot of candy and eggs to eat up. Although in most areas it is back to the work week as usual, maybe you live in an area where that is not the case! You could also celebrate Dyngus Day, attend the White House Easter Egg Roll, or have your own Easter egg roll.

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