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Be a Kid Again Day

This is a day dedicated to looking at the world as though you were still a child. It is a day to let your guard down and be a little silly, and remember the simple things in life from your childhood. As adults, we worry so much about how others perceive us, and we many times don't slow down to enjoy the moment. It's a day to not worry as much and to just go with the flow.

How to Observe Be a Kid Again Day

There are so many things you can do to celebrate the day. You can do things you remember doing as a kid, or do things you wanted to do when you were younger, but never took the time or got the chance to do. Here are some ideas:

  • Eat ice cream for a meal. It happens to be National Ice Cream Sundae Day today as well, so it's perfect! You might as well be like a kid and chase down an ice cream truck to get your ice cream.
  • There are many other foods to eat that can make you be like a kid again. Have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a grilled cheese sandwich, macaroni and cheese, fruit snacks, or cotton candy.
  • Take yourself to a kid's-themed restaurant such as Chuck E. Cheese's. It was founded by the same person who founded Atari, as a way to expand video arcades to kids. You could spend the rest of your day playing video games anyway since today used to be Video Games Day as well.
  • As much fun as it would be to jump in a big pile of leaves after raking, it's summer so that's probably not an option. Instead, find something to do with water outside to cool off. Run through a sprinkler, go swimming and do a cannonball, go on a Slip N Slide, or have a Super Soaker or water balloon fight.
  • Speaking of balloons, you can be like a kid by inhaling some helium and talking in a weird voice.
  • Watch movies or TV shows all day, especially ones you loved as a kid. A good one to watch might be Home Alone.
  • Color or draw.
  • Make faces at strangers.
  • Get your friends together and have foot races. Or you could get to your destinations for the day by skipping, or riding a scooter or skateboard. Don't forget to pet every dog you see while you are on your way.
  • Sing and dance for no reason.
  • Blow bubbles or go bumper bowling.
  • Wear wacky clothing and jump rope.
  • Play truth or dare.
  • Whenever you are given an answer, ask "Why?"
  • One of the best things to do may be to actually hang out with a kid all day and copy what they do.

If you act like Royal Tenenbaum you are probably on the right track to being like a kid.

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