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World Coconut Day

World Coconut Day celebrates coconuts, promotes their use and importance, and commemorates the formation of the International Coconut Community, formerly known as the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community. Coconuts grow on the coconut palm tree and are a fruit from the drupe family. They grow in more than 80 countries and are an essential crop in the tropics. It takes a year for a coconut to ripen, and a tree may produce about 100 of them each season. Coconuts have antifungal and antiviral properties and are high in lauric acid, electrolytes, and antioxidants. The flesh, which is high in fat, can be dried and eaten fresh, or be used to make coconut milk or coconut oil. Coconut water can be found at the center of the coconut. The leaves, shell, and husk—which contains coir—also have many uses.

How to Observe World Coconut Day

A few activities you could do to celebrate include:

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