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National Grand Marnier Day

Grand Marnier, a liqueur used in cocktails and cooking, is celebrated today with National Grand Marnier Day. Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, the original and signature Grand Marnier, is an orange-flavored cognac liqueur made with cognac, sugar syrup, and the distilled essence of bitter oranges (citrus bigaradia.) It was invented in France in 1880 by Alexandre Marnier-Lapostolle. He initially called it Curaçao Marnier, but its name was changed when his friend, hotelier César Ritz, dubbed it Grand Marnier.

By the twentieth century, Grand Marnier was popular around Europe and the world. It became particularly beloved by the upper classes and is still considered to be a prestigious liqueur today. While it's quite popular in the United States, it's likely celebrated on the same day as Bastille Day because it got its start in France and is one of the most popular liqueurs there as well. There are other variations of the liqueur beyond Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, such as Grand Marnier Cuvée du Centenaire, which is made with cognacs that are a quarter-century old.

Forty percent alcohol by volume, Grand Marnier is imbibed neat, mixed in cocktails, and used in cooking, principally in desserts and sauces. Some of the many cocktails that may call for Grand Marnier are the Sidecar, B-52, Grand Cosmopolitan, Grand Margarita (Cadillac Margarita), Grand Mimosa, and Grand Marnier Smash. Grand Marnier is used in flambé desserts like Grand Marnier soufflé, crème brûlée, and Crêpes Suzette, and in other desserts like bûche de Noël (Yule log) and liquor cream buns. It is used to make cranberry sauce and to make the orange sauce for Canard a l'Orange, a roasted duck dish. With such versatility, it's not difficult to celebrate with Grand Marnier on National Grand Marnier Day!

How to Observe National Grand Marnier Day

Celebrate with some cocktails or food made with Grand Marnier. Invite over some friends to drink and cook with, or meet them at a cocktail lounge. Try a type of Grand Marnier besides Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge. Share about your celebration on social media using the hashtag #NationalGrandMarnierDay.

Some cocktails you could make or order:

Some desserts you could make:

You could also make:

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