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Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

Coming on the heels of National Doughnut Day, Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day celebrates this specific type of doughnut. The jelly-filled doughnut is popular in the United States and Canada, but there are many variations of this treat throughout the world including: the Berliner from Germany; krapfen from Austria; krafne from Eastern Europe; bomboloni from Italy; pączki from Poland; anpan from Japan; sufganiyot from Israel; and jam doughnuts from Australia, England, and Nigeria. Originally these doughnuts were not filled with jelly, but with meat and vegetables. The falling of the price of sugar because of Caribbean sugar plantations in the 16th century helped spur sweets in Europe. By the 17th century, jelly doughnuts were invented, although the the word "doughnut" was not used to describe them at the time.

How to Observe Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day

Celebrate the day by eating at least one jelly-filled doughnut. If possible see if you can find some of the variations of the doughnut at a bakery or doughnut shop. If there ever was a day during the year when you should consider making your own jelly-filled doughnuts it is today. Here is a recipe!

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