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I Forgot Day

How often have you forgotten a friend's birthday, your parent's anniversary, or another important event in a loved one's life? Today is for making up for all the important days you have forgotten over the past year. It is for apologizing, and for sending cards and gifts to all those you have forgotten about. Many also use the day to begin using a calendar more faithfully so they don't forget things in the future. Some have also celebrated the day by trying to forget that the things that happen on the day ever happened at all.

Gaye Anderson created the day sometime in the late 1990s or early 2000s (she forgot exactly when she created it). At the time, she had been extremely busy with work at the Davenport University branch in Granger, Indiana, and forgot about her daughter's birthday and anniversary, as well as her own anniversary. She said the holiday is for days that have been forgotten in the past, as well as to help people from forgetting days in the future. On the first time the day was celebrated, Anderson had a party with students and the Dean of her university.

How to Observe I Forgot Day

Celebrate the day by sending cards or a gift as a way to apologize to someone who you have forgotten about at some point during the past year. Maybe you forgot their birthday, or maybe you were supposed to meet them for dinner and never showed up. Perhaps you could take them out for dinner now, or to some other event. Try not to forget anyone you need to apologize to, or you'll have to wait until next year to apologize, and by that point you may forget about them again. But, there may be a way around having to wait until next year. Gaye Anderson recommends sending "forget cards." These cards are good for birthdays that may be forgotten in the future. If your friend has a birthday in October, and you forget about it, you are still covered by this card.

The day can also be celebrated by beginning to use an online calendar, which will remind you of important dates. As a starting point, put in everyone's birthday and anniversaries that you know right away. You can also celebrate the day by trying to forget everything that happens on it. If this is how you choose to celebrate, you should be hoping for a lackluster and boring day. Hopefully, today is not your wedding day, the day of the birth of one of your children, or even your own birthday.

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