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Propose Day

Propose Day, a holiday primarily celebrated in India, takes place on the second day of Valentine's Week, a week full of holidays that leads up to Valentine's Day. On this day, those who have been planning on asking for someone's hand in marriage muster up the courage and pop the question. Those who aren't in a position to propose use the day to tell someone their feelings about them; they may tell them they like them or that they would like to date them.

How to Observe Propose Day

Celebrate the day by proposing to your significant other. There are an infinite amount of ways you can propose, from choosing a place of significance to the both of you, to hiring someone to skywrite a message. If you are not using the day to propose and give a ring to someone, you could use it to tell them that you like them or ask them for a date and give them something else, like flowers or chocolate.

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