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Call of the Horizon Day

When you go out into the country and gaze across a flat field, or sit at the edge of the ocean or a large lake, the point at which the earth and the sky seem to meet can be seen. Do you ever wonder what is out there waiting beyond the horizon? Do you ever feel like it is calling you to go on an adventure or to explore? Call of the Horizon Day is all about the feeling you get from looking into the distance at the horizon and into the unknown. It is about dreaming big and moving and adventuring, both physically and mentally. It's a day to seize these dreams and to plan how you will make them happen.

How to Observe Call of the Horizon Day

Celebrate the day by driving or walking out to a place where you can see the horizon. You will likely have to go out into the country and find a flat area or look across a large body of water. Bring along a notebook, and write down anything that comes to your mind that you'd like to pursue. Is there a place you've been meaning to visit? Is there a project you would like to start, or a hobby you'd like to try? Jot down whatever the horizon seems to be calling you to do. Then spend the rest of the day beginning to plan how you will seize your dreams.

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