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Siblings Day

Siblings Day celebrates and honors the special bond between siblings. Like Mother's Day, Father's Day, and National Grandparents Day, it celebrates a family relationship. The relationship with siblings is often a lifelong relationship—one that usually lasts longer than a relationship with parents or grandparents. Siblings may know each other longer than anyone else throughout their lives. These relationships may be some of the closest that they have as well. Today's holiday strengthens the relationship between siblings, which in turn strengthens our families, communities, and the nation.

Siblings Day was created by Claudia Evert. She lost both of her siblings, Alan and Lisette, at an early age. Fittingly, the day takes place on Lisette's birthday. Claudia's goal, and the goal of The Siblings Day Foundation, is to make the holiday a true "National" day—one that is a federal holiday just like Mother's Day and Father's Day. The day has been recognized by past presidents, including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. Gubernatorial proclamations have been issued in 49 states, and many other politicians and people have recognized the day. It was first held in 1995, the Siblings Day Foundation was incorporated in 1997, and it became a non-profit organization in 1999.

How to Observe Siblings Day

Celebrate Siblings Day by meeting up with, calling, or sending a card or gift to your siblings. Let them know how important your bond with them is, and how they have made a difference in your life. If you don't have a sibling, celebrate someone you are close to or have known for almost your whole life—someone you cherish like a brother or sister.

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