Holidays for Saturday, November 5th, 2016

Also known as Bonfire Night, Firework Night, Guy Fawkes Day, and Guy Fawkes Night
Observed annually on November 5th
Observed annually on November 5th

Also known as National Hollerin' Contest Day and National Hollering Contest Day
Observed on November 5th
Observed on November 5th
Multi-day Events Continuing on Saturday, November 5th, 2016
- National Farm Toy Show DaysObserved the First Full Weekend of November
- National Fig WeekObserved annually for 7 days starting on November 1st
- National Patient Accessibility WeekObserved annually for 7 days starting on November 1st
- World Communication WeekObserved annually for 7 days starting on November 1st
- Adopt a Senior Pet MonthObserved the month of November
- Banana Pudding Lovers MonthObserved the month of November
- Child Safety and Protection MonthObserved the month of November
- COPD Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Family Stories MonthObserved the month of November
- Gluten-Free Diet Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Good Nutrition MonthObserved the month of November
- Greens and Plantains MonthObserved the month of November
- Healthy Lifestyles MonthObserved the month of November
- Hip-Hop History MonthObserved the month of November
- Historic Bridge Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Lung Cancer Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Manatee Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Military Family Appreciation MonthObserved the month of November
- MovemberObserved the month of November
- National Adoption MonthObserved the month of November
- National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- National American Indian Heritage MonthObserved the month of November
- National Aviation History MonthObserved the month of November
- National Bread MonthObserved the month of November
- National Diabetes MonthObserved the month of November
- National Education MonthObserved the month of November
- National Epilepsy Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- National Family Caregivers MonthObserved the month of November
- National Family Literacy MonthObserved the month of November
- National Fun with Fondue MonthObserved the month of November
- National Georgia Pecan MonthObserved the month of November
- National Gratitude MonthObserved the month of November
- National Healthy Skin MonthObserved the month of November
- National Hospice and Palliative Care MonthObserved the month of November
- National Inspirational Role Models MonthObserved the month of November
- National Lifewriting MonthObserved the month of November
- National Long-Term Care Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- National Marrow Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- National Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation MonthObserved the month of November
- National Model Railroad MonthObserved the month of November
- National Novel Writing MonthObserved the month of November
- National Peanut Butter Lovers MonthObserved the month of November
- National Pepper MonthObserved the month of November
- National Pet Cancer Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- National Pomegranate MonthObserved the month of November
- National PPSI AIDS Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- National Raisin Bread MonthObserved the month of November
- National Roasting MonthObserved the month of November
- National Scholarship MonthObserved the month of November
- National Sleep Comfort MonthObserved the month of November
- National Stomach Cancer Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- National Stuffing MonthObserved the month of November
- No-Shave NovemberObserved the month of November
- Pancreatic Cancer Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Pet Diabetes MonthObserved the month of November
- Prematurity Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- Real Jewelry MonthObserved the month of November
- Spinach and Squash MonthObserved the month of November
- Sweet Potato Awareness MonthObserved the month of November
- World Vegan MonthObserved the month of November
- Worldwide Bereaved Siblings MonthObserved the month of November
- Wishbones for Pets MonthObserved annually for 47 days starting on October 15th
- International Year of PulsesObserved the year 2016
- Decade of Action for Road SafetyObserved January 1st, 2011 through December 31st, 2020
- International Decade for the Eradication of ColonialismObserved January 1st, 2011 through December 31st, 2020
- United Nations Decade for the Eradication of PovertyObserved January 1st, 2008 through December 31st, 2017
- Industrial Development Decade for AfricaObserved January 1st, 2016 through December 31st, 2025
- International Decade for People of African DescentObserved January 1st, 2015 through December 31st, 2024
- United Nations Decade of Action on NutritionObserved January 1st, 2016 through December 31st, 2025
- United Nations Decade on BiodiversityObserved January 1st, 2011 through December 31st, 2020
- Decade of Recovery and Sustainable Development of the Affected RegionsObserved January 1st, 2006 through December 31st, 2016
- United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against DesertificationObserved January 1st, 2010 through December 31st, 2020
- United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for AllObserved January 1st, 2014 through December 31st, 2024